The Benefits of a Kitchen Island: Is It Right for Your Space - Prestons Kitchens

The Benefits of a Kitchen Island: Is It Right for Your Space

The Benefits of a Kitchen Island:
Is It Right for Your Space?

benefits of a kitchen island

The Benefits of a Kitchen Island:
Is It Right for Your Space?

benefits of a kitchen island

Having a kitchen island in your home can truly enhance your space, adding both functionality and convenience to your mealtimes. At Prestons Kitchens, we understand the importance of thoughtful kitchen design, and assessing whether it is suitable to your lifestyle. But what exactly are the benefits of a kitchen island, and is it really worth the investment?

Increase your storage space

If you feel you may not have enough storage space in your new kitchen, an island could be the answer. A kitchen island can provide additional storage space for utensils, cookware, and other kitchen essentials, especially in kitchens with limited storage space. Depending on the size, an island could include multiple sets of drawers and cabinets to give you plenty more space in the kitchen. They can also include a fridge or freezer for extra space if you need extra room there too!

Enhanced hosting

Kitchen islands also make accommodating guests much easier. Some kitchen islands come equipped with seating options, allowing for casual dining, or accommodating guests while cooking, which may not have been possible before. Moreover, the cook’s station has been strategically repositioned, no longer facing a wall. This redesign makes it easier for the cook to keep an eye on the kids while they play nearby, adding an extra layer of convenience and safety. Hosting get-togethers just became a whole lot easier.

Improved efficiency and organisation

The organisation of your kitchen and the efficiency of your cooking can be improved with an island. The extra surface could serve as a place to prep meals or organise utensils, and can even include designated spaces for specific tasks, appliances, and ingredients

Long term investment

A well-designed and functional kitchen won’t just make your life easier, but it can also increase the overall value of the house by improving the aesthetics and utility of the space – making a kitchen island a long-term investment.
However, not every kitchen will suit or fit an island. While they can provide great benefits, there are still a few things to consider before giving it the green light! Our design teams at Prestons will ensure the correct design is created for your space and lifestyle.

Lacking floor space – other options to consider

A poorly designed kitchen island can occupy too much floor space and make the kitchen feel small. A cramped kitchen can lead to stressful dinner times with the whole family in there. In this case, opting for a breakfast bar or peninsula may be more suitable to your lifestyle.

Assess the size of your space

An island may not be the right thing for you depending on the size and shape of your kitchen. A smaller kitchen may not need an island if you already have enough storage and having one may create more problems than it actually solves. Furthermore, if you have an irregularly shaped kitchen, you may find it difficult to install an island or find one that matches your kitchen’s shape.

Choosing the right material

Different materials will require different levels of TLC to keep the island’s functionality and aesthetics at the top level. Knowing which material to choose when purchasing a kitchen island is important as some materials need more effort to keep looking good than others.
Finally, a kitchen island can vary drastically in cost depending on size, materials and design. Some can be harder to install, especially if electrics are included within the unit. If you’re on a budget, don’t worry! We can help you out at Prestons Kitchens!

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